Cloud Solutions
Cloud Solutions

Using Microsoft Azure we bring best and affordable cloud solution for clients having no IT expertise and infrastructure.

Data Security Solutions
Data Security Solutions

We are partnered with top data security companies to cater the need of our client and provide best data security solutions either hosted or on premises.

Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security

A single console gives you comprehensive protection for your workstations and servers (physical or virtual) and also keeps you informed on the risk factors by discovering and prioritizing risky OS and software misconfigurations.GravityZone Business Security blends machine learning and heuristics with signatures and other techniques to offer protection against all types of malware, plus threats […]

Kaspersky® Endpoint Security for Business
Kaspersky® Endpoint Security for Business

With more of your business operations going digital, you need to protect every server, laptop and mobile device on your network. Select tier combines multi-layered technologies with flexible cloud management and centralized application, web and device controls to protect your sensitive data on every endpoint.


We provide innovative business solutions in Information Technology and business process outsourcing services. We assist customers in conveniently adopting new technologies to effectively achieve their business objectives through our specialized expertise.

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Cloud Solutions

Using Microsoft Azure we bring best and affordable cloud solution for clients having no IT expertise and infrastructure.

Data Security Solutions

We are partnered with top data security companies to cater the need of our client and provide best…

Software Solutions

We are having expertise in developing and deploying software. Mainly working on ERPs, Inventory Management, CMS Solutions and…

Break Fix

Downtime is not an option. Our break-fix services are here to support you with immediate repair and maintenance,…

Partners we work with


United States



Suite # 1210 2nd Floor,447 Broadway, New York 10013

F 13 Railway Housing Society Joint Road Quetta.

Phone No

+1 914 241 5546

+92 345 422 7963

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